UNCLASSIFIED 15«. DECLASSIFICATION / DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE ie. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT lof IhU ReponI 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT lof the abttract enumd in Block 20, if differttU from Reponi Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 19. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 19. KEY WORDS fContmua on rewne iide if neemsMry and idmntify by block number/ Contact Location and Motion Analysis 20. ABSTRACT {Continue on mvene aide if neceaaary and identify by block numbert This document provides an overview of Contact Localization and Motion Analysis (CLMA) in the ocean environment. Such well-studied cases as passive bearings-only contact motion analysis, multipath ranging, and localization/tracking via arrays are used to illustrate the concept. The performance of current CLMA systems is shown to depend on the type and characteristics of the basic measurements developed by their time delay estimators, the acoustic channels linking contact and observer, and the DD, 'r"147 3 20. Abstract (Cont'd) type and description of relative motion between contact and observer. General classes of CLMA schemes are presented. Complexity is shown to depend on the linearity/nonlinearity of their solution equations, the degree to which a contact is observable at each sample time, and the relative motion or degree of stationarity between contact and observer. Contributions to total system gain, biasing issues, and candidate solutions are discussed. Comprehensive references are provided.