“…For a nonlinear non-polynomial transformation of a random variable x, say f (x) := Ω → Ω, where Ω = [−1, 1] (it is worth to point out that the same hold true for a nonlinear nonpolynomial transformation f (x) := [a, b] → [a, b] with a, b ∈ R, see for instance [6]), it is not possible to apply the Exact Polynomial Kalman Filter introduced in [4] as it works only for polynomial systems. To overcome the problem, in [5] the authors proposed first to exploit the orthogonality properties of Chebyshev polynomials to fit a polynomial g (x) to the nonlinear and non-polynomial function f (x), and then to use the ExPKF on the polynomial g (x) to estimate the original signal. The technique is summarized in the following.…”