It is very important to investigate air pollutants emissions emitted from open burning in order to control nonpoint sources effectively. In this study, we utilized incineration simulator proposed by U.S EPA and investigated emissions of CO, OC/EC, from household waste and biomass burning to estimate pollutant emissions by illegal incineration of biomass wastes.Emission factor of OC was estimated as 17.1 g/kg for rice strew, 23.5 g/kg for barley, 10.3 g/kg for corn stover, 4.3 g/kg for unseasoned wood, respectively. In case of EC, it was calculated as 1.6 g/kg for rice strew, 4.3 g/kg for barley, 1.4 g/kg for corn stover, 0.6 g/kg for unseasoned wood, respectively.Most of the pollutants emissions were emitted at the stage 1 and 2. In the stage 3, the pollutants concentration decreased gradually.To estimate emissions and build inventory for biomass burning, we need to know accurate activity data. We, therefore, used activity data of both survey results of previous study and statistical data of National Statistical Office. However, we need to perform additional experiments in the future to obtain more accurate activity data for various cases.