This study aimed to predict patient waiting times for an ED (emergency department) unit byintegrating DES (discrete event simulation) model and ML (machine learning) algorithms. The healthresources in the DES model were kept constant. However, the results were obtained by including thestatistical distributions of the processes in the DES. Length of stay (LOS), resource efficiency rates, patientgenders, walking distance, time of processes, and age were considered input factors that affect patientwaiting times. Prediction data were calculated using Neural Network (NN) and Random Forest (RF) modelsfrom ML algorithms. Testing and training phases of ML algorithms are set to 20% and 80%. The RF modelperformed best with low RMSE, MSE, MAE, and high R2values. This model's RMSE, MSE, MAE, andR2values were calculated as 2.81, 1.67, 0.88, and 0.996, respectively. As a result, this study suggestedintegrating DES and ML models to overcome many factors, such as satisfaction, cost, and quality, with theintense human factor in service sectors with dynamic structures.