Abstract. Simulation of fast reacting hydrological systems often requires sub-hourly precipitation data to develop appropriate climate adaptation strategies and tools, i.e. upgrading drainage systems and reducing flood risks. However, this sub-hourly data is typically not provided by measurements and atmospheric models, and many statistical disaggregation tools are applicable only up to an hourly resolution. Here two different models for disaggregation of precipitation data from daily to sub-hourly scale are presented. The first one is a stochastic disaggregation model based on first-order Markov Chains and Copulas (WayDown), while the second one is a stochastic precipitation generator based on a double Poisson process (LetItRain). Both approaches aim to reproduce observed precipitation statistics over different time scales. The developed models were validated using 10-min radar data representing 10 climate stations in Germany and South Korea, thus covering various climate zones and precipitation systems. Various statistics were compared including mean, variance, autocorrelation, transition probabilities, and proportion of wet period. Additionally, extremes were examined, including the frequencies of different thresholds, extreme quantiles and annual maxima. While both models successfully reproduced the observed statistics, WayDown was better than LetItRain at reproducing the ensemble median showing strength in precisely refining the coarse input data. In the meantime, LetItRain produced rainfall with greater ensemble variability capturing a variety of scenarios that may happen in reality. Both methods reproduced extremes in a similar manner: overestimation until a certain threshold of rainfall thereafter underestimation. Finally, the models were applied to climate projection data. The change factors for various statistics and extremes were computed and compared between historical (radar) and the climate projections on a daily and 10-min scale. Both methods showed similar results for the respective stations and RCP scenarios. Several consistent trends jointly confirmed by disaggregated and daily data were found for mean, variance, autocorrelation and proportion of wet periods. Further, they presented similar behavior of annual maxima for the majority of the stations for both RCP scenarios in comparison to the daily scale, namely a similar systematic underestimation.