The Indonesian government has established a 30% reduction by 2030 target for reducing GHG emissions, through the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) approach. In the City of Bandung, various institutions are involved in waste handling and reduction. The objectives of this study were to determine the GHG emissions, resulting from household waste disposal at Sarimukti Landfill, without (scenario 1) and with (scenario 2) the utilisation of Waste Banks, 3R Waste Treatment Facility (TPS 3R), and an incinerator in a TPS 3R, at Ciwastra Market, as well as to estimate the GHG emissions, once Bandung City successfully achieves its waste reduction and waste management target in 2025, as stated in the Bandung Mayor Regulation No. 1426 of 2018, leveraging all existing facilities with the landfilling (scenario 3) and incineration (scenario 4) method. The calculations made were aligned with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2019 Guidelines Tier 1. The findings of this study revealed that, in the first scenario, the GHG emissions amount to 185,271.934 tons of CO2eq. In the second scenario, the emissions amount to 150,423.096 tons of CO2eq. Consequently, the reduction in GHG emissions achieved is 34,848.847 tons CO2eq. In the third scenario, the emissions are 64,373.560 tons of CO2eq, while in the fourth scenario, GHG emissions are 70,001.973 tons of CO2eq. These findings highlight the substantial GHG emission reductions achievable through the implementation of waste management strategies. By adopting these approaches, it is possible to mitigate the environmental impact of waste disposal and contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions, well in tandem with the climate change mitigation goals.