The physical reasons for the formation of peaks of that part of the magnetic permeability, which is caused by transitions of only 90-degree domain boundaries µ90(H0) in deformed steel U8 with coarse-plate perlite when the field changes along the back of the hysteresis loop, are considered. It is shown that the orientation relations of the Patch-Pitch between single-crystal ferrite and cementite plates in U8 steel lead to the appearance of a constant angle between the magnetic moments of these plates and, consequently, to the appearance of corresponding local scattering fields. The latter can significantly affect the values of the peak fields of the curve µ90(H0).
Theoretical expressions for these fields containing contributions of scattering fields that should be taken into account when determining residual compressive stresses are obtained.
It is also shown that to determine the residual stresses, two expressions for peak fields are not enough, and additional experiments are needed, as which it is proposed to use the dependences of the coercive force on elastic tensile stresses. This leads to a complication of the algorithm for determining residual compressive stresses in comparison with the case of low-carbon steels.
A method for estimating the values of local scattering fields in the ferrite parts of U8 steel grains with residual compressive stresses is proposed.