Fully suppressive antiretroviral therapy (ART) for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection requires the administration of drug combinations that target multiple sites on one or more proteins required for viral replication. Approved antiretrovirals (ARVs) include nucleoside/nucleotide and nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs and NNRTIs, respectively), protease inhibitors (PIs), entry inhibitors, and integrase strand-transfer inhibitors (INSTIs). With the exception of the NRTIs, which require intracellular phosphorylation, plasma drug concentrations are correlated with drug efficacy. At the same time, high drug concentrations are associated with excess toxicity.To durably suppress HIV replication in infected patients, ARV concentrations must reach and be maintained at levels that exceed the susceptibility of the virus to that drug. Treatment response is often hampered by the failure to achieve sufficient drug exposure (i.e., poor adherence and drug interactions), reduced drug susceptibility (i.e., viral drug resistance), or both. Drug concentrations within patients vary over time and, due to ease of sampling, are generally characterized by minimum (trough) concentrations (C trough ) immediately prior to administration of the next scheduled dose. Drug concentrations also vary considerably between individual patients as a result of differences in absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. In addition, each drug characteristically binds to human plasma proteins to different extents. Furthermore, the susceptibility of HIV-1 variants, even in patients not previously exposed to drug therapy, varies over a range that is unique to each drug (23,24,46).In vivo clinical pharmacodynamic data are available for some, but not all, ARVs. Efficient collection of these data is difficult and ideally performed early in the drug development process. Alternative methods of incorporating ARV pharmacokinetics into therapeutic decision making are being explored. In vitro phenotypic drug susceptibility testing of individual patient viruses is now widely available and generates information that can be used to calculate an inhibitory quotient (IQ), defined as the ratio between the C trough and the drug concentration that inhibits in vitro replication by a defined percentage (e.g., 50% or 95% inhibitory concentration [IC 50 or IC 95 , respectively]) (27,35,43,56). Derivatives of the IQ, including the genotypic IQ (GIQ; C trough divided by the number of resistance-associated mutations for a given drug) have also been evaluated (36). Several studies have attempted to define the optimal IQ required to produce long-term viral suppression: in some cases, IQ has been retrospectively linked to clinical outcome (15,34,41,42,55), while in others, direct relationships between IQ and viral load response were not observed (5, 12).For most ARV drugs, few or no in vivo concentration-response data have been generated, or these data are inconsistent with clinical observations. Collectively, there is insufficient agr...