It is inevitable fact that the use of excessive fossil fuel has establisheditself as a major concern for the existence of living kinds in the world. So thedevelopment of renewable energy source has been the must task to minimize theenergy crisis as well as the problems created by the use of fossil fuels. Nepal is acountry with geographical and climatic diversity in South East Asia with meansolar radiation of 4.7 kWh/m2 per day and a surface area of 1, 47,181 km2. It isthe region in South East Asia with a tremendous amount of solar energy potential.Among three major geographical regions namely Himalayan, Hilly and Terairegion, this study has been performed at Gorkha Municipality, located at centralNepal in Hilly region to determine the solar energy potential for grid-connectedphotovoltaic systems installed on rooftops. A methodology was developed, inwhich the characteristics of the buildings were categorized, followed by thecalculation of the roof surface area where photovoltaic panels could be installed.After that, the mean solar irradiation characteristics were defined as well as thetechnical parameters of the photovoltaic systems. With all these factors, theamount of electricity that could be potentially generated per year by solar panelsis estimated. Finally, the calculations were made to estimate the amount ofelectricity that could be generated with the implementation of incrementalconductance method for tracking the maximum Power Point and also, the systemwas developed using Arduino, PHP programming language, current and voltagesensors which aids for the maintenance of the installed photovoltaic cells.