Project descriptions Continued 413 Vegetation survivability studies in Owens Valley 414 Giardia in the Sierra Nevada 416 Fuel spill at the U.S. Marine Corps air station at Tustin Estimating tidal and residual circulation in San Francisco Bay 424 Southern California Regional Aquifer Systems Analysis Alluvial basins 425 Evaluation of the hydrology of consolidated-rock terrains, with emphasis on Lee Valley, San Diego County 426 Groundwater investigations in Owens Valley 427 Streamflow characteristics and geomorphic changes of Cottonwood Creek 431 Hydrologic studies related to volcanic activity in Long Valley 432 Stable carbon isotope study of primary carbon flux of food chain network of striped bass in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta aquatic ecosystem 436 Sediment transport in the San Diego Creek basin 437 Groundwater flow modeling and optimization techniques applied to high groundwater problems in San Bernardino 438 Bonsall groundwater study, San Diego County 439 Preliminary assessment of shoaling in San Leandro Bay, Alameda County 440 Hydrologic impacts of dams to be constructed on Cottonwood and South Fork Cottonwood Creeks 441 An assessment of quality and contaminant transport in the soils and ground water of the western San Joaquin Valley 443 Evaluation of techniques for measuring currents in the San Francisco Bay 446 Erosional processes in the Lake Tahoe basin 447 Water quality of U.S. lakes and reservoirs, with emphasis on eutrophication 448 Geohydrology of the Los Osos groundwater basin, San Luis Obispo County 449 Erosion and sediment transport in the drainage basin of Permanente Creek 450 Hydrologic appraisal of potential landfill sites in southeastern San Diego County 451 Development of an economic optimization model for San Bernardino Valley 454 Performance evaluation of an electromagnetic streamflow gage on Turlock Canal 455 Hydrologic evaluation of a gasoline leak at the Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station 456 Western San Joaquin Valley hydrologic studies Bibliography Sources of WRD publications and information Where to obtain additional information on U.S. Geological Survey programs VI Contents Along with its continuing commitment to meet the growing and changing earthscience needs of the Nation, the USGS remains dedicated to its original mission to collect, analyze, interpret, publish, and disseminate information about the natural resources of the Nation providing "Earth science in the public service.