a b s t r a c t a r t i c l e i n f oWe present a general framework for probabilistic landslide hazard analysis. With respect to other quantitative hazard assessment approaches, this probabilistic landslide hazard analysis has the advantage to provide hazard curves and maps, and to be applicable to all typologies of landslides, if necessary accounting for both their onset and transit probability. The method quantifies, for a given slope location, the exceedance probability of being affected by a landslide with a specific local intensity within a reference time interval, i.e. the hazard curve, under the common assumption that landslides behave as a Poisson process. Hazard maps are calculated, reducing the hazard curve to single values by choosing a fixed probability of exceedance following standards or regulation requirements. The method is based on the assessment of a landslide onset frequency, a runout frequency for long-runout landslides, and the local definition of landslide intensity, which can be expressed through different parameters, according to landslide typology. For long runout landslides, the runout and spatially-varying intensity and uncertainty are considered. Hazard curves and maps play a fundamental role in the design and dimensioning of mitigation structures, in land planning and in the definition of risk and hazard management policies. Starting from the general framework, we apply the methodology for rockfall hazard analysis, and we test it in an area affected by the Christchurch 2011 earthquake, New Zealand, which triggered a large number of rockfalls, killing five people.