“…Although benznidazole is used quite widely in South America to treat patients with the trypanosomal infection Chagas' disease or with mucotaneous Leishmaniasis Cerisola et al, 1978;Coura et al, 1978;Fava et al, 1978), apart from our preliminary studies (White et al, 1982) the only published data on its pharmacokinetics are for human plasma concentrations measured by polarography (Raaflub & Ziegler, 1979;Raaflub, 1980 (Brown & Workman, 1980;White et al, 1979Workman, 1980a (Workman & Brown, 1981) or the Amicon Micropartition system (Amicon, Woking) . Concentrations of benznidazole in plasma, ultrafiltrate, urine and tissue homogenates (25%-33% w/v) were determined by reversed-phase HPLC using an adaptation of the method described previously for misonidazole (Workman et al, 1978). Briefly, samples were treated with 2 vol methanol containing the internal standard 1-(2-nitroimidazol-1-yl)-3-ethoxypropan-2-ol (RoO7-0913, Roche) Pharmacokinetic parameters These were calculated as described in detail elsewhere Workman & Brown, 1981 For the experiment shown in Figure 3 the peak whole plasma concentrations (+2 s.e.)…”