We study asymptotic properties of the log-periodogram semiparametric estimate of the memory parameter d for non-stationary (d* ) time series with Gaussian increments, extending the results of Robinson (1995) for stationary and invertible Gaussian processes. We generalize the de"nition of the memory parameter d for non-stationary processes in terms of the (successively) di!erentiated series. We obtain that the log-periodogram estimate is asymptotically normal for d3 [ , ) and still consistent for d3[ , 1). We show that with adequate data tapers, a modi"ed estimate is consistent and asymptotically normal distributed for any d, including both non-stationary and non-invertible processes. The estimates are invariant to the presence of certain deterministic trends, without any need of estimation.1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.JEL classixcation: C11; C22