This work presents the application of a recently developed numerical method to determine the thickness and the optical constants of thin films using experimental transmittance data only. This method may be applied to films not displaying a fringe pattern and is shown to work for a−Si:H (hydrogenated amorphous silicon) layers as thin as 100 nm. The performance and limitations of the method are discussed on the basis of experiments performed on a series of six a−Si:H samples grown under identical conditions, but with thickness varying from 98 nm to 1.2 µm.
2Modern electronic devices, such as thin−film transistors, solar cells, active matrix displays and image sensors, possess thin semiconductor layers of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a−Si:H). For most electronic applications, the optical properties and the thickness t of these films play an important role, in the sense that they govern the device performance. The quality of the as−deposited material can be monitored in production lines through the in−situ determination of its optical constants (refractive index n and extinction coefficient k) and the thickness homogeneity. For that aim, ellipsometry is the most appropriate tool [1] due to the fact that it is not influenced by the adopted substrate. Alternatively, for the ex−situ analysis of samples grown on top of transparent substrates like glass, the use of optical transmittance is the most attractive method because optical transmission is a very easy, accurate and non−destructive measure.The problem of estimating the thickness and the optical constants of thin films using transmission data only represents a very ill−conditioned inverse problem with many local A set of experimental data [λ i , T meas (λ i )], λ min ≤ λ i ≤ λ i+1 ≤ λ max , for i = 1,…,N, is given, and we want to estimate t, n(λ), and k(λ). The problem seems highly underdetermined. In fact, for known t and given λ, the following must hold [5]: T meas (λ) = T theor (λ, s(λ), t, n(λ)where T theor is the calculated transmission of the film+substrate [3] and s the refractive index of the transparent substrate. This equation has two unknowns n(λ) and k(λ) and, in general, its set of solutions (n,k) is a curve in the two−dimensional (n(λ), k(λ)) space. Therefore, the set of functions (n,k) satisfying T meas = T theor for a given t is infinite and, roughly speaking, is represented by a nonlinear manifold of dimension N in R 2n . However, physical constraints (PC) drastically reduce the range of variability of the unknowns n(λ), k(λ). The optimization process looks for a thickness that, subject to the physical input of the problem, minimizes the difference between the measured and the theoretical spectra, i. e.,(1)The minimization process starts sweeping a thickness range ∆t R divided into thickness steps ∆t S and proceeds decreasing ∆t R and ∆t S until the optimized thickness t opt is found. In the examples to follow, the starting ∆t R and ∆t S were 5 µm and 100 nm, respectively.As seen, the most important issue of the present method is the ret...