Pancreatic pseudocysts and foci of walled-off necrosis (WON) are well-known complications of acute pancreatitis. We present a case of severe gallstone pancreatitis complicated by WON, fistulization to the bowel and gastrointestinal bleeding. Bleeding was localized to a pseudoaneurysm of the gastroduodenal artery within the WON using imaging and endoscopy. Angiography and image-guided therapy were then used to control bleeding with coil-embolization. To our knowledge, this is the first report of non-operative management of a patient with severe pancreatitis complicated by WON and a bleeding pseudoaneurysm with multiple communications to the hollow viscera. Therapeutic options are discussed and a thorough literature review is included.
Abbreviations: EGD: esophagogastroduodenoscopy; ERCP: endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography; GDA: gastroduodenal artery; GI: gastrointestinal; IEP: interstitial edematous pancreatitis; IPDA: inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery; WON: walled-off necrosis.