Introduction: Soil-to-rice transfer factors (TF) are widely used to predict radionuclides' activity concentrations in rice plants. Since rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most popular crops in Vietnam, the radiological risks due to 210Po contaminating rice grains and the TF must be concerned. Methods: Alpha spectrometry measured the activity concentration of 210Po in rice and soil samples collected in Chau Doc, An Giang province. TF for the uptake of 210Po from soil to rice plant has been calculated the ratio of the dry weight concentration in the plants to the dry weight concentration in the specified soil layer. Assessment of radiological risks due to ingestion of rice grains was based on estimation of the effective dose. Results: The activity concentrations of 210Po were in the ranges of 63.77 – 117.75 Bq kgdry weight-1 and 7.38 – 14.16 Bq kgdry weight-1 in soils and rice grains, respectively. Based on the radiation dose assessment, the accumulation of 210Po in rice grains was not considered for public health. The average TF values of 210Po were 0.12, 0.11, and 0.37 for grains, straws, and roots, respectively. Our TF values for rice were higher than the corresponding values found by other studies and the IAEA TRS-472 report. Conclusion: The analytical method for 210Po determination using alpha spectrometry can be applied for further studies in the field of environmental radioactivity. The measured TF values can be used to predict the radioactivity level of 210Po in rice plants cultivated in other fields in the Mekong Delta region.