In this paper, a number of new approximations are introduced to estimate the perturbative diusivity (χ), convectivity (V), and damping (τ) in cylindrical geometry. For this purpose the harmonic components of heat waves induced by localized deposition of modulated power are used. The approximations are based on semi-innite slab approximations of the heat equation. The main result is the approximation of χ under the inuence of V and τ based on the phase of two harmonics making the estimate less sensitive to calibration errors. To understand why the slab approximations can estimate χ well in cylindrical geometry, the relationships between heat transport models in slab and cylindrical geometry are studied. In addition, the relationship between amplitude and phase with respect to their derivatives, used to estimate χ, is discussed. The results are presented in terms of the relative error for the dierent derived approximations for dierent values of frequency, transport coecients, and dimensionless radius. The approximations shows a signicant region in which χ, V , and τ can be estimated well, but also regions in which the error is large. Also, it is shown that some compensation is necessary to estimate V and τ in a cylindrical geometry. On the other hand, errors resulting from the simplied assumptions are also discussed showing that estimating realistic values for V and τ based on innite domains will be dicult in practice. This paper is the rst part (Part 1) of a series of three papers. In Part 2 and Part 3 cylindrical approximations based directly on semi-innite cylindrical domain (outward propagating heat pulses) and inward propagating heat pulses in a cylindrical domain, respectively, will be treated.