The spatial analysis of watersheds, as well as the evaluation off the changes occurring in their catchment area along the time are essential for the qualification of environmental changes. This study aims to characterize morphometrically the Pardo river watershed, as well as to evaluate the changes in soil use and occupation occurring between 2001 and 2016. The morphometric analysis consisted of the determination of the geometric parameters, relief information and drainage network using Geographic Information Systems. The land use and occupation information was collected through data from the online mapping platform of the Brazilian Mapping and Land Use Mapping (MapBiomas). According to the results, morphometry indicated that the watershed has low propensity to flood occurrence and tendency to conservation; great part of its area is between 600 and 1000 m of altitude, with predominance of undulating and soft-undulating slopes. The analysis of land use and occupation showed that the area devoted to agricultural activities increased during the period evaluated and occupies most of the basin, while the area of ??forests was reduced, the second in size, and these two classes occupy more than 96 % of catchment area.