Introduction: The advancement of alcoholism on the population has already been characterized as a serious public health problem, requiring the development of actions and strategies to reduce the vulnerability of these individuals.Objective: To know the social representations from the inducer term "health education for alcoholics", and also to identify sociodemographic and defining characteristics about alcohol consumption.Method: This is a mixed approach of research, a type of transversal, census and exploratory, which included 121 students. We used the use of technique of free evocation of words to inducing term "Health education for alcoholics", and a questionnaire that identifies the aspects related to alcohol consumption and social issues involved.Results: 56.2% of people have consumed alcohol, and 37.2% live with people that consume alcohol daily, and when asked about the knowledge of the parents towards the consumption of alcohol 46.3% respond positively, and 62.8% dialogue before the consummation, they were identified as core words: help, support groups, lectures or family.