Estrogen reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease in post-menopausal women, -amyloid (A) burden in animal models of Alzheimer's disease, and secretion of A from neuronal cultures. The biological basis for these effects remains unknown. Here, utilizing cell-free systems derived from both neuroblastoma cells and primary neurons, we demonstrate that 17-estradiol (17-E2) stimulates formation of vesicles containing the -amyloid precursor protein (APP) from the transGolgi network (TGN). Accelerated APP trafficking precludes maximal A generation within the TGN. 17-E2 appears to modulate TGN phospholipid levels, particularly those of phosphatidylinositol, and to recruit soluble trafficking factors, such as Rab11, to the TGN. Together, these results suggest that estrogen may exert its anti-A effects by regulating APP trafficking within the late secretory pathway. These results suggest a novel mechanism through which 17-E2 may act in estrogen-responsive tissues and illustrate how altering the kinetics of the transport of a protein can influence its metabolic fate.Reports that post-menopausal estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) 1 is clinically efficacious in delaying the onset of Alzheimer's disease (AD) (1) or improving cognition (2) in post-menopausal women have been corroborated by numerous studies (3-5). Reports questioning the validity of these retrospective studies (6) demonstrated that women with clinically defined AD have no improvement on specific cognitive tasks following short (2-15-month) trials of estrogen treatment. However, the neuroprotective effects of estrogen are hypothesized to safeguard against the development of AD and not to aid in recovering lost function. The biological mechanism(s) through which estrogen exerts its neuroprotective effects remain largely unknown; hypotheses have included modulation of basal forebrain cholinergic activity, dendritic plasticity, N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptor density, and regulation of neurotrophin signaling pathways (7).ERT may slow AD progression by reducing the release of A, the primary constituent of amyloid plaques, into brain parenchyma. This phenomenon was first described in non-neuronal (8) and neuronal (9) cell culture. It has now received support from animal models demonstrating that ovariectomized guinea pigs (10) and transgenic mutant APP/PS1-expressing mice (11) develop increased levels of parenchymal A compared with intact littermates. This A burden is reversible with postsurgical estrogen replacement. In addition, a recent study (12) demonstrates an inverse relationship between the levels of 17-E2 and A42, the more amyloidogenic A variant, in the cerebrospinal fluid of female patients with AD. In summary, results from retrospective clinical trials, recent and on-going animal studies, and corroborating cell culture data all support the hypothesis that post-menopausal cessation of estrogen production may facilitate A deposition and that the clinical efficacy of ERT may be due, in part, to a direct A-lowering effect.A is p...