This paper shows the syntheses and use of hybrid porous silica materials (UGM-triamin) in the adsorption of Cu (I) of the cyanidation effluents of gold and silver. Studies of adsorption of Cu (I) in synthetic solutions of Cu-CN a pH of 11 and at a concentration ratio of 1: 5 Cu: CN, simulating the effluents of cyanide process gold and silver ores, showed maximum adsorption capacity of 7.54 mg of Cu (I) per gram of material and favorable adsorption according to the Langmuir model (RL of 0.31 to 0.41). The evaluation of the adsorption capacity of the material with real solutions of cyanide, showed 95% removal of copper in the effluent cyanide and 68.5% selectivity for the adsorption of copper. It has been observed free cyanide destruction in the system during adsorption of copper, so that the oxidation of free cyanide may be linked to the mechanism of adsorption of copper.