Objective. To determine the decrease in pain due to lumbar disc herniation using electrostimulation compared to Williams exercises in patients attending the Social Security Institute of State Workers in Tabasco (ISSSTE) in May, 2016.
Material and methods.An observational, analytical, longitudinal, and prospective study was performed in patients with a diagnosis of lumbar disc hernia that came to the Social Security Institute of State Workers (ISSSTE) in May, 2016 with the objective of comparing the pain tolerance benefit of the Lumbar disc herniation in patients treated with electrostimulation and Williams exercises.Results. Twenty-one patients with lumbar disc herniation treated with electrostimulation were evaluated, indicating an improvement in the tolerance to low back pain (p≤0,05). 23. Calvo L. Uso de espaciadores interespinosos en pacientes con hernia de disco lumbar, dos años de seguimiento.