Computed Tomography (CT) is one of the most used exams for radiological diagnosis in medicine. The increase of CT exams is a global concern due to high radiation doses. It is important to improve protocols to seek lower doses while maintaining the diagnostic image quality. The use of phantoms allows the testing of different acquisition protocols. For this, the phantom must present an absorption characteristic of the X-ray beam like the represented patient. In this study, it was used a standard head phantom made of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). The phantom is a cylinder with 16 cm in diameter and 15 cm in length. Different acquisition protocols were performed on a Toshiba CT scanner, Aquilion model with 64 channels. The central slice of the phantom was irradiated successively, and using a pencil ionization chamber, measurements of CT air kerma index in PMMA (Ck,PMMA,100) were performed. From these results, the CT Dose Index values weighted and volumetric (CTDIw, CTDIvol) were obtained for 10 cm scans of the central area of the head phantom, in helical mode. The scans were performed using different voltage values (80, 100 and 120 kV) and charge (mA.s). Dose values of CTDIw varied from 2.55 mGy to 7.76 mGy. The absorbed dose (CTDIvol) was 23.67 mGy with the routine protocol used in the radiological service. The pitch of the scans were adjusted and acquisition protocols were tested for each voltage and varying the charge (mA.s). Optimized protocols were approved when the noise in the central slice was less than 1%. The better protocol happens with the voltage of 120 kV and the absorbed dose was reduced in 68.31%. The other parameters tube time, thickness beam and image reconstruction were the same of the routine protocol.