The emission of residues has contributed immensely to the fact that man is susceptible and exposed to toxic chemical products, among them, arsenic. One of the main anthropic sources of arsenic in the world is mining, which can contribute to the contamination of soil, water, air, and food. An example of environmental arsenic contamination in Brazil occurs in the city of Paracatu - MG, due to the operation of a gold mine. Thus, the objectives of this study were: (i) to assess the physical-chemical parameters and the concentration of arsenic in samples of superficial fresh water (sub-basin of the Paracatu River), and soil samples, during winter and summer; (ii) evaluate the arsenic concentration in samples of particulate matter; (iii) determine the concentration and species of As in biological samples and (iiii) evaluate the toxicity of surface waters using the Allium cepa test. There was no change in the physical-chemical parameters. The water samples collected during the winter and all soil samples showed values of As above those allowed by organs regulatory agencies. The values of As in the particulate material showed great variations between the regions under study but were within the limit established by the ATSDR for urban areas. Inorganic and organic As was found above the limit allowed in biological samples The analysis of water toxicity by the Allium cepa test indicated the presence of cytotoxic and genotoxic compounds, demonstrating a great risk for the population exposed to the waters of the Rico stream.