This article showcases
a systematic and generalized phase-field
modeling approach for addressing the phenomenon of faceted crystal
dissolution in different crystalline solids, in two and three dimensions.
A thermodynamically consistent phase-field model was adapted to account
for anisotropies in the surface energy and kinetic mobility associated
with the crystal surface that evolves during dissolution. Two significant
and novel aspects of this work are: (I) the proposed general prescription
of anisotropy parameters and (II) quantitative process simulation,
within the phase-field modeling framework. The prescription allows
us to simulate dissolution in different crystal–liquid systems,
where the crystal may exhibit arbitrary growth and dissolution facets.
Moreover, the order of precedence and relative velocities of facets
can be precisely controlled. To demonstrate the procedure of quantitative
modeling, we considered the system of α-quartz in silica-undersaturated
solution under the physical conditions from previous experiments and
determined other input model parameters from the existing literature.
Further, the missing anisotropy parameters were retrieved based on
simulations of dissolving single crystals. Following the proposed
prescription and the procedure of parameter-set generation, dissolution
processes in other crystal–liquid systems under different physical
conditions can be modeled. The general applicability, capabilities,
and performance of this model in capturing diverse system-specific
dissolution behavior are demonstrated through representative numerical