Ahstrrrct: The influence of ranitidine on morphine metabolism, with special emphasisc on the ratio between rnorphInc-3-glucuronide and morphine-6-glucuronide was studied in isolated guinea pig hepatocytes. Ranitidine reduced the of morphine dose-dependently with a maximum effect of SOi %,, and increased the relalive concentralion of rnorphine-6-glucuronide to morphine-3-glucuronide. These effects could be duc to a direct or indirect effect on the conjugation enzymes involved. or an effect on the transport of morphine o r glucuronides across cell membranes. The latter explanation was rejected on the basis of the observation that the ratios between intra-and extracellular concentrations of morphine, morphine-3-glucuronide and morphine-6-glucuronide were not influenced by ranitidine. Increasing concentrations of ranitidine gradually decreased the morphine-3-glucuronide/morphine-6-glucuronide ratio by up to 2 li%>. This could stem from interference of energy or co-substrate supply, or through direct effects on the different IJDPGTases involved. The observation that the present effect on morphine glucuronidation was the opposite of that observed when administering a known co-suhstriite (UDPGA) depletor, indicated th;it in a11 probability the effect of ranitidine was 21 direct inhibition on the uridine S'-diphosphate glucurollyltraclsferases involved, with ii more pronounced effect for the isoenzymes responsible for the 3'-glucuro1iidati~1i.Morphine is a widely used analgesic, that undergoes extensive iiietabolisiii in man. mainly to morphine-3-glucuronide and morphine-6-glueuronide (%we 1986; Osborne ct ul. 1990). Rcgardlcss of the route of administration, about 50'%, and 10% of a given morphine dose is excreted as morphine-3-glucuronide and morphinc-6-glucuronide~ respectively, in thc urine collected for the subsequent 24 hr (Osborne r't ol.
1990).In several species more than onc hepatic UDP-glucuronosyltraiisferase (UDPGT) isoenzyme are involved in morphinc glucuronidation (Coughtrie ct ul. 1989; Coffman c / d. 1996). However, apart from ii study on guinea pig liver homogenates demonstrating inhibition of morphine-3-glucuronide and not morphine-6-glucuronide. information is sparsc regarding factors that might influence the niorphinc glucuronidation in either the 3-or 6-direction (Lawr-