Research on biology, ecology, origin, distribution, causes, socio-ecological impact and management of pelagic Sargassum blooms and influxes: mapping the state-of-the-art 9 2.1 Biology and ecology of pelagic Sargassum 9 2.2 Origin and distribution patterns of pelagic Sargassum 2.3 Causes of recent beaching events of pelagic Sargassum in the Caribbean 2.4 Ecological and socio-economic impacts of pelagic Sargassum influxes in the Caribbean 2.4.1 Ecological impacts 2.4.2 Socio-economic impacts 2.4.3 Impacts reported in the Dutch Caribbean 2.5 Management approaches to reduce socio-ecological impacts of pelagic Sargassum influxes 2.5.1 Detection and prediction of pelagic Sargassum blooms and influxes 2.5.2 Collection of pelagic Sargassum at sea 2.5.3 Removal and disposal of beached Sargassum 3 Storage and valorisation of pelagic Sargassum biomass 18 3.1 Storage of pelagic Sargassum 3.2 Valorisation of pelagic Sargassum biomass 3.2.1 Chemical composition and uses of biomass 3.2.2 Chemical analysis of Sargassum collected in 2020 in Bonaire, St. Maarten, Florida & Mexico 4 Economic, societal and environmental impact of pelagic Sargassum valorisation 30 4.1 The cost and impact of non-action 4.2 The economic feasibility of harvesting and processing Sargassum 4.3 Design of the value chains for harvesting and processing Sargassum 4.4 Environmental impacts of harvesting and processing Sargassum blooms 5 Value chains for valorisation of pelagic Sargassum biomass in the Dutch Caribbean 34 5.1 Sustainable feedstock supply 6 Policy challenges and advice 37 6.1 Policy challenges and governance 6.2 Current policies for the exclusive economic zone of the Dutch Caribbean 6.3 Policy advice in relation to Sargassum management and financing aspects 7 Knowledge gaps and implementation plan 41 7.1 Knowledge gaps: harvesting, biology and ecology 7.2 Knowledge gaps: storage, processing and conversion 7.3 Knowledge gaps: application of products 7.4 Knowledge gaps: socio-economic impacts Public Wageningen Food & Biobased Research-Report 2137 | 5 Project details Project number LWV19070 Project title Identification of sustainable management and valorisation strategies of Sargassum influxes in the Dutch Caribbean: turning the brown tide into a golden opportunity Coordinator Wageningen Food & Biobased Research Project period 01-01-2020 to 31-12-2020 Authors: Ana M. López-Contreras (WFBR), Matthijs van der Geest (WMR), Bea Deetman (WEcR), Sander van den Burg (WEcR), Hanneke Brust (WFSR), Truus de Vrije (WFBR)