W e recently read "How to Maintain the Readiness of Forward Deployed Caregivers" by Dr. Tadlock and coauthors 1 in your journal. During the 78th American Association for the Surgery of Trauma meeting in Dallas, Texas, September 18, 2019, the Military Liaison committee sponsored a series of panel discussions and debates entitled "How to Maintain the Combat Trauma Readiness of Forward Deployed Caregivers." Participants included expert civilian and military (active duty, retired, and reserve) surgeons. During the session, the expert panel discussed the current state of Military Health System forward deployed surgical team readiness. Subsequent qualitative research and thematic analysis of the content garnered the following themes: (1) defining forward deployed caregiver readiness, (2) measuring readiness, and (3) maintaining and replenishing readiness.We would like to scrutinize and comment on the third theme, remedies for attrition of expertise upon Sri Lankan military medicine experience. Following