The study aimed to identify protective and risk factors related to alcoholic relapse and non-relapse in the post-transplantation period, in people with alcoholic liver disease that had undergone liver transplantation. The study was carried out with 15 adult transplant patients, with a mean age of 52.2 years, the majority male. The method includes a medical record analysis, a predivision of the participants into two groupsrelapse group (RG, 5 participants) and no relapse group (NRG, 10 participants)-and the application of the interview script, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and Anticipatory Coping Skills Inventory for Abstinence from Alcohol and Other Drugs (IDHEA). The results pointed that there was no statistically significant difference between the RG and NRG in the mean scores of anxiety, depression, and the IDHEA. Qualitative and quantitative analyses identified that the risk factors for relapse were the following: history of alcohol dependence, family problems, low ability to refuse alcohol, problems with post-surgery work activity, and association of disorders such as anxiety and depression. The work with this population should be preventive, continuous, and multiprofessional, with psychological and team interventions based on evidence and effective in the pre-and post-liver transplantation phases. Resumen El estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar factores protectores y de riesgo relacionados con la recaída y la no recaída alcohólica en el postrasplante, en personas con enfermedad hepática alcohólica sometidas a trasplante de hígado. El estudio fue realizado con quince adultos transplantados, con una media de edad de 52,2 años, la mayoría hombres. El método incluyó la análisis de prontuarios, la división de los participantes triados en dos grupos-recaída (GR, 5 participantes) y no recaída (GNR,