The authors analyze basic bioethical issues, with application in neurorehabilitation clinical practice. We consider traditions of Bulgarian schools of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Physiotherapy and Ergotherapy, related to bioethics. Physical and rehabilitation medicine investigates the effects of the application of natural and preformed physical modalities on the human organism. Neurorehabilitation is an interdisciplinary field - between neurology, neurosurgery and physical medicine. Many principles of the Declaration on bioethics and patients’ rights are obligatory in the rehabilitation practice, e.g.: human dignity and human rights, autonomy, consent, equality and equity, non-discrimination and non-stigmatization (for patients with disabilities). Several bioethical topics are important for neurorehabilitation: human research, neuro-ethics, pain management, assisted suicide, euthanasia. We present an analysis of bioethical problems of a clinical case from our neurorehabilitation practice.