Controversial advertising wields a considerable influence on customers’ purchase intentions, creating both positive and negative outcomes. Using bibliometric analysis and a systematic literature review, this article attempts to present an overview of previous studies on the use of advertising, regardless of how contentious or inventive it may be. We looked through published papers to see which prominent figures in this subject have contributed, what significant subtopics are, and what further research may be done. We found that the number of papers produced on this topic between 2000 and 2023 is already increasing. We also use network analysis to map the research clusters. A total of 93 articles were discovered according to the findings. According to the report, terms like “purchase intention,” “controversy,” and “offensive advertising” have not been adequately investigated. This paper adds to the body of knowledge on the subject for academics and business policymakers. This thoughtful approach is crucial considering the significant impact of controversial advertising on consumer behavior and purchase intentions.