This article is intended to concretise the methods of cyclisation in the album “Creativity in the Voidˮ of the “DDTˮ, the presence of which indicates the integrity of the musical collection of it. The real goal dictates the solution of several research tasks, including the theoretical substantiation of cyclisation as a scientific problem in the study of rock poetry, the identification of the characteristic features of cyclisation inherent in the poetry of rock performers, and the analysis of the logic of building the album “Creativity in the Voidˮ of the rock band “DDT”. When performing the work, analytical methods of research, synthesis and comparison were applied, sociocultural and some biographical factors were considered, which makes it possible to reveal the philosophical and aesthetic meanings inherent in the single artistic space of the collection as a “product” of cyclisation. The author of this article concludes that the phenomenon of cyclisation is inherent in the work of the rock band “DDT”. The non-randomness of the arrangement of texts in the structure of the album has an impact on the interpretation of the picture of the world of the poet Yuri Shevchuk, which is artistically explicated in the musical works included in the framework of a separate album. The conclusions of the study make a certain contribution to the development of ideas about the artistic originality of the named musical band, expand the understanding of the phenomenon of cyclisation, including metacyclisation, in the work of rock performers in general.