The article discusses the role of the media in the ethnic identification of peoples on the example of printed publications of Chuvash, Udmurt and Mari peoples living in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The article analyzes the current state of national mass media, produced and distributed in the languages of ethnic groups living in the republic; it examines the possible directions of their development. A special role in the context of preserving and increasing linguistic and cultural diversity belongs to national mass media, published in the languages of ethnic groups and aimed primarily at a very specific audiencerepresentatives of these ethnic communities who know the corresponding languages. Based on the quantitative and qualitative content analysis of the republican printed publications of Chuvash, Udmurt and Mari peoples, the author comes to the conclusion that socio-political national printed publications of the region provide information support for state programs. They publish official materials of municipalities, but ethnocultural content still dominates newspaper content. They pay special attention to socially significant topics and national projects. The states that the policy of providing the peoples living in Bashkortostan with the opportunity to publish newspapers in their native languages has already justified itself. The national press actively participates in socio-political and socio-economic processes of the republic, ensuring stable interethnic situation in the republic. Study also considers historical prerequisites for the emergence of national newspapers, the role and importance of media in ethnic identification of peoples. The article introduces new scientific sources.