DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2009.01.003
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Ethnobotanical review of the Mapuche medicinal flora: Use patterns on a regional scale

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Cited by 130 publications
(147 citation statements)
References 48 publications
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“…Although many of these studies might reflect the specific relationship that each culture has with natural resources, without a unifying theory or common research method we cannot discern whether such findings reflect patterns and behaviors that are similar, or even identical, between different cultures and broader scales (Alburquerque and Medeiros 2012). Several studies have used meta-analyses to analyze large-scale usage patterns of plants (Moerman et al 1999, Molares and Ladio 2009, SaslisLagoudakis et al 2011, although comparisons are difficult to make given the diversity of the objectives and methods employed.…”
Section: Traditional Knowledge (Tk) Is An Important Component In Imprmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Although many of these studies might reflect the specific relationship that each culture has with natural resources, without a unifying theory or common research method we cannot discern whether such findings reflect patterns and behaviors that are similar, or even identical, between different cultures and broader scales (Alburquerque and Medeiros 2012). Several studies have used meta-analyses to analyze large-scale usage patterns of plants (Moerman et al 1999, Molares and Ladio 2009, SaslisLagoudakis et al 2011, although comparisons are difficult to make given the diversity of the objectives and methods employed.…”
Section: Traditional Knowledge (Tk) Is An Important Component In Imprmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…For example, cognitive salience may be measured with the number and position of species in free lists (Reyes-García et al 2006). Informant consensus or ratings may be used to analyze cultural significance , Molares & Ladio 2009); the number of uses a species has, or the number of illnesses treated in the case of medicinals (Phillips & Gentry 1993a,b, Phillips 1996, Albuquerque et al 2007 can measure use value. However, for the individual person, "importance" may include aspects of all of these factors (economic and social).…”
Section: Classification and Description Of The Ecological Land Unitsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Among the practices of anthropization of the environment, the ex and in situ management of vegetation (Casas et al, 2007(Casas et al, , 2008Lins Neto et al, 2014), control of ecological succession, diversion of watercourses and the gathering of useful plants (Davidson-Hunt and Berkes, 2003;Molares and Ladio, 2009;Pirondo and Keller, 2014), have been mentioned as strategies which increase the supply of species of interest and reduce the uncertainty of their availability throughout the year and in succeeding years (Barrera-Bassols and Toledo, 2005;Molares and Ladio, 2009). For example, taking advantage of ruderal and exotic species that appear rapidly on land where clearings have been produced by disturbances of moderate intensity is a practice shared by many cultures .…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…It has been found that the species with highest use consensus in these societies often present high utilitarian versatility, a pattern based on profound knowledge of the best-known species, which promotes caring attitudes, since the people value the potential of the species in a holistic way (Richeri et al, 2013). Studies performed on medicinal plants have shown that plants native to a certain place generally offer greater use diversity than exotic species, due to the longer period of time they have been in contact with local populations (Molares and Ladio, 2009).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%