Moringa oleifera is a valued medicinal plant in traditional folk medicine. Many pharmacological studies have shown the ability of this plant to exhibit analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, anticancer, antioxidant, nootropic, hepatoprotective, gastroprotective, anti-ulcer, cardiovascular, anti-obesity, antiepileptic, antiasthmatic, antidiabetic, anti-urolithiatic, diuretic, local anesthetic, anti-allergic, anthelmintic, wound healing, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, and antidiarrheal properties. This review is a comprehensive summary of the phytochemical and pharmacological activities as well as the traditional and therapeutic uses of this plant. M. oleifera has wide traditional and pharmacological uses in various pathophysiological conditions. We will review the various properties of M. oleifera (drumstick tree) and focus on its various medicinal properties. We think that it is an attractive subject for further experimental and clinical investigations.