I discuss and argue for combinations of artistic practice and cultural analysis, for meta-disciplinary and serendipitous endeavours that can entangle art and ethnographic research. These combinations can be understood as practices that are more-than-academic. I define the artistic side of this combinatory work as art probing. Art probes have a double function. First, they can instil inspiration and be possible points of departure for research, and, second, they can be used to communicate scientific concepts and arguments beyond the scope of academic worlds. According to this point of view, artistic and scientific output should be seen as provisional renditions oriented towards different audiences and as part of an extended open-ended art of inquiry. When working with this more-than-academic practice, a number of stakeholders are involved, ranging from academic professionals to art institutions, museums and visitors of art exhibitions, and performances. I will discuss how I understand ethnography as part of this process and in relation to practices of art probing.