“…In sum, the thesis that I am proposing is that universities draw on technologies in particular ways, speak of and establish truth statements about the world in particular ways, and certainly occupy a distinctive discursive, social and material position within a pluralist common world (Weber, 2016). If (higher) education is a mode of existence [EDU] (Tummons, 2019(Tummons, , 2020, then further empirical inquiry as well as theoretical immersion within and using the Latourian modes will be needed in order to be able to establish the ways in which this mode would work according to Latour's own system of classification. Any theory, however, has to earn its keep, and it is too early to say what AIME might be able to do for the ethnographer of higher education, not least as the one element of AIME that is better knownactor-network theorylacks the penetration or saturation within the field of higher education research enjoyed by other frameworks such as threshold concepts or communities of practice (Tight, 2014;Tummons, 2018).…”