Background: Geographical Indication is a sign that indicates the area of origin of goods and/or products which, due to geographical environmental factors including natural factors, human factors or a combination of these two factors, gives a certain reputation, quality and characteristics to the goods and/or products produced. Meanwhile, traditional cultural expression is the result of intellectual creativity of a group of indigenous peoples which has potential commercial value. Intellectual creativity of a group of indigenous peoples which has (potential) commercial value and its natural wealth has enormous potential to increase its value through the protection of communal intellectual property which can further improve the welfare of the Balinese people. This potential, if managed well, will be of benefit to the region as a characteristic of a region and can be used as a trade asset which is ultimately expected to improve the economy of the region where the product originates. One of them is the potential geographical indication of Kamasan wayang paintings which only exist in Kamasan Village, Klungkung Regency, Bali Province.
Methods: This legal study analyses uses normative legal research methods, as a characteristic of legal science is its normative nature. The nature of this research uses analytical descriptive, and To obtain research results that reach the target, analysis of legal materials is carried out qualitatively.
Result: Good management of intellectual property is a necessity and the key to success in developing and protecting superior regional products with the ultimate aim of increasing local revenue. These steps can take the form of identifying all existing regional potential, implementing a priority scale in developing superior products, providing a conducive business climate, supporting strategic and realistic policies, providing adequate facilities and infrastructure, and guaranteeing security and legal certainty.
Conclusions: Following up on the letter from the Directorate of Brands and Geographical Indications Number HKI.4-KI.07.01.01-380, as well as in order to encourage the growth of One Village One Brand (OVOB) Brand registration and inventory of Geographical Indication (IG) products in the Klungkung district area. The potential for advancing the welfare of the Balinese people through Geographical Indications able to carry out an inventory of the potential for Geographical Indications which is aspect of Intellectual Property in Klungkung Regency by cultural diversity of the Wayang Kamasan Klungkung Paintings tradition.