Mean Genes ReviewRene ´Hen Levine, 1969). In adult rats, castration reduces intermale aggression and injection of testosterone reinstates ag-Center for Neurobiology and Behavior Columbia University gressiveness. However, testosterone injections are ineffective if castration is performed neonatally (vom Saal, New York, New York 10032 1983). The secretion of testosterone early in development has therefore been suggested to stimulate the development of neural circuits that facilitate intermale Aggressive behavior is displayed by most animal speaggression. cies and subserves functions that are essential for the Insights into the neurochemistry of aggressive behavsurvival of the species, such as defense of the territory, ior first came from animal studies which showed that defense of the progeny, and access to females (Lorenz, aggressive behavior could be markedly altered through 1966). For example, isolated male mice as well as lactatthe modification of specific neurotransmitter systems ing females will attack male intruders. Humans may dissuch as the serotonergic system, and, to some extent, play aggressive behavior in response to a threat or under the dopaminergic, noradrenergic, and GABAergic systhe influence of alcohol. In its most extreme cases, agtems (Eichelman, 1990;Miczek et al., 1994). gressive behavior is considered a social ill, and the prevention of violence is a major concern of our societies.