CI7HI7N702final cycle of refinement included 235 variable parameters and converged with R = 0.058. wR = 0-069; S = 1.07; the highest peak in the final AF map had a height of 0.21 (6)e A -3, (A/Or)max = 0.282. All calculations were performed on a PDP-11 minicomputer using SDP (Frenz, 1978) and local programs.Discussion. The final atomic positions and equivalent isotropic temperature factors for non-H atoms are given with their e.s.d.'s in Table 1.* Bond lengths, bond angles and relevant torsion angles are listed in Table 2. A perspective view of the molecule with the atom-labelling system is shown in Fig. 1. Distances and angles in the five-membered triazole ring are in excellent agreement with those reported earlier (RibS.r, Stankovit, Argay, K~.lmS.n & Kocz6, 1987) C(4)-C(9) and 86.7 (2) ° for C(10)-C(15). Between the best planes of two benzene rings the dihedral angle is 9.0 (2) °. Torsion angles indicate that C(7), N(6), O(1), 0(2) and C(13), N(7), C(16), C(17) lie in the planes of the corresponding benzene rings.The symmetry-related molecules are linked together by a pair of N...N hydrogen bonds with N(5)'"N(2)' = 3"028 (6), H(N5)'"N(2) '= 2"080 (6) A and N(5)--H(N5)...N(2) '= 149.0 (4) °, forming dimers (Fig. 1). Fig. 2 shows the molecular packing in a stereoview down a axis.
FRENZ, B. A. (1978). The Enraf-Nonius CAD-4 SDP -A RealTime