Autoignition delay times have been measured in a rapid compression machine at Lille at temperatures after compression from 630 to 840 K, pressures from 8 to 14 bar, Φ = 1 and for a iso-octane/1-hexene mixture containing 82 % iso-octane and 18 % 1-hexene. Results have shown that this mixture is strongly more reactive than pure iso-octane, but less reactive than pure 1-hexene. It exhibits a classical low temperature behaviour, with the appearance of cool flame and a negative temperature coefficient region. The composition of the reactive mixture obtained after the cool flame has also been determined. A detailed kinetic model has been obtained by using the system EXGAS, developed in Nancy for the automatic generation of kinetic mechanisms, and an acceptable agreement with the experimental results has been obtained both for autoignition delay times and for the distribution of products.A flow rate analysis reveals that the crossed reactions between species coming from both reactants (like H-abstractions or combinations) are negligible in the main flow consumption of the studied hydrocarbons. The ways of formation of the main primary products observed and the most sensitive rate constants have been identified.Keywords : mixtures, iso-octane, 1-hexene, rapid compression machine, autoignition, modeling.
INTRODUCTIONFuels usually contain six main classes of organic compounds : paraffins, isoparaffins, olefins, naphtenes, aromatics (including polyaromatic compounds) and oxygenates. Commercial gasoline contains approximately 150 different molecules belonging to these 6 classes of organic compounds. Since the end of the last decade, a great number of experimental and theoretical studies has made it possible to simulate the combustion of model molecules taken individually and to predict the formation of characteristic pollutants, as well as autoignition phenomena.Nevertheless, very few studies have been devoted up to now to the case of mixtures containing molecules of several classes of organic compounds. The major part of the studies published on mixture oxidation concerns mixtures of a paraffin and an isoparaffin, an ether or an aromatic compound. The n-heptane/iso-octane mixture is the one which has been the most extensively investigated. It has been experimentally studied in a jet-stirred reactor [1], in a shock tube [2] and in a rapid compression machine [3] and several models for its oxidation have been proposed [1,3,4]. In the case of paraffin/ether mixtures, the autoignition of a propane/MTBE mixture has been studied in a shock tube [5], while the oxidation of n-heptane/MTBE and n-heptane/ETBE mixtures has been investigated in a jet-stirred reactor [6]; in both cases, a model has been proposed [5,6]. The effect of the addition of toluene to the oxidation of alkanes has been investigated in the case of n-butane in a plug flow reactor [7] and in the case of n-heptane in a jet-stirred flow reactor [8]. The global conclusion of these studies is that crossed reactions are negligible and that the synergy effect occurring...