Background: Competency-based education (CBE) equips health professionals with the requisite competencies for health systems performance. This study aimed to develop and validate a CBE model suitable for teaching Human Nutrition/Human Nutrition and Dietetics (HN/HND) at the undergraduate level in Uganda. Methods: The study was undertaken in two main phases, (1) competency needs assessment and (2) model development and content validation. The later had three iterative stages: a needs assessment results validation workshop; an expert focus group discussion to develop a draft CBE model framework; and consensus development-itself undertaken in two modified Delphi rounds to ascertain participant consensus on the relevance and suitability of the competency domains, subdomains, and statements comprised in the developed draft CBE framework for undergraduate HN/HND training in Uganda. In the modified Delphi process, participants indicated the degree to which they agreed or disagreed with each of the given statements on five-point Likert-type items of strongly disagree, disagree, neither agree nor disagree, agree, and strongly agree as well as the level of training they recommended the given competency statement to be learned. The workshop had 31 participants, the focus group eight, while the first and second Delphi rounds had 70 and 55 participants respectively. Results: In total, seven competency domains, 24 subdomains, and 190 competency statements were developed. Content analysis and analysis of percentage responses for each competency statement were done with participant consensus set at ≥80%. All the seven domains (100%); 22 (91.7%) of the 24 subdomains; and 153 (87.9%) of the 174 analysed competency statements were evaluated as both relevant and suitable for undergraduate HN/HND training and hence included in the validated CBE model. Conclusion: This study evaluated the relevancy and suitability of seven competency domains prevention and management of malnutrition; nutrition in the lifecycle; food security, food safety, agriculture, and livelihoods promotion; ethics and professionalism in nutrition and dietetics; research and data analysis; policy, advocacy, and social and behaviour change communication; and nutrition leadership and management for undergraduate HN/HND training in Uganda. The study recommends translating the developed CBE model into a standard curriculum that can be taught and evaluated.