DOI: 10.7759/cureus.11000
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Etiological Profile and Antimicrobial Patterns in Blood Culture Specimens in a Tertiary Care Setting

Abstract: Introduction Universally, blood stream infections are linked with increasing morbidity and mortality. Timely diagnosis for identification of bacterial etiology, their susceptibility pattern and choice of empiric treatment plays a vital role in management. Objective To reveal the etiological profile and antibiotic sensitivity in blood culture specimens in a tertiary care setting. Methods This descriptive study was carried out in pathology laboratory of a tertiary care hospital from August 2016 to July 2019. All… Show more

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Cited by 8 publications
(9 citation statements)
References 13 publications
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“…7,8 For Blood cultures, the most common isolate was Other Staphylococcal spCoNS (46.3%) obtained from paired blood samples, followed by Enterococcus sp(17%). [9][10][11] Gram negative sepsis accounted for 24% of all blood cultures. Amongst urine samples Escherichia coli was the most common organism (53%).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…7,8 For Blood cultures, the most common isolate was Other Staphylococcal spCoNS (46.3%) obtained from paired blood samples, followed by Enterococcus sp(17%). [9][10][11] Gram negative sepsis accounted for 24% of all blood cultures. Amongst urine samples Escherichia coli was the most common organism (53%).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…All 36 strains of R. terrigena were MDR 31 . And 8 cases were reported in Pakistan as bacteriemia 32 . 58 cases of R. terrigena in another hospital in Pakistan were reported during 2013‐2018 years, 12 patients of which were colonized without clinical symptoms 22 .…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…31 And 8 cases were reported in Pakistan as bacteriemia. 32 58 cases of R. terrigena in another hospital in Pakistan were reported during 2013-2018 years, 12 patients of which were colonized without clinical symptoms. 22 There were isolated 2 strains of R. terrigena from the gallbladders in patients with gallstones after cholecystectomy, 33 but without connection between stone formation or inflammation and isolated pathogens.…”
Section: Raoultella Terrigena (Klebsiella Terrigena) Infection Previous Cases Reviewmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…7 Antimicrobial agents administered empirically based on hospital antibiogram can help lessen the spread of multidrug resistance as well as antibiotic abuse. 8 The current study was planned to determine the frequent bacterial pathogens causing BSIs in various age brackets, and to discover their antibiotic susceptibility patterns in order to develop an empirical treatment strategy for septicemic patients.…”
Section: P R O V I S I O N a L L Ymentioning
confidence: 99%
“…This is consistent with earlier findings. 6,8 It is important to consider the importance of carbapenem resistance as it is the main contributing factor for MDR and usually the definitive step before pandrug resistance (PDR). In the current study, the highest meropenem resistance was found in A. species (85%), followed by K. species (71%) and P. aeroginosa (67%).…”
Section: P R O V I S I O N a L L Y A C C E P T E D F O R P U B L I C ...mentioning
confidence: 99%