“…Financially able to provide regular, professional dental care and follow-up (requiring anesthesia) 1,2,9,18 Financial considerations preventing regular, professional dental care and follow-up (requiring anesthesia) 1,2,9,18 Significant remaining attachment 2,51 Severe attachment loss (>50% attachment loss in veterinary literature, ≥70% attachment loss in human literature) 2,51 Minimal to no mobility 5,18,51 Greater mobility 5,18,51 Willing and able to perform regular home care 1,2,9,103,107 Not willing or not able to perform regular home care 1,2,9,103,107 No crowding of teeth 35,[108][109][110] Crowding of teeth (inhibits home care) 35,108-110 Short root trunk 2,3,5,9,18,77 Long root trunk 2,3,5,9,18,77 Long tooth roots [1][2][3]5,9 Short tooth roots 1-3,5,9 Wide furcation entrance area/degree of separation and wide divergence between tooth roots 1,3,5,9,18,77 Narrow furcation entrance area/degree of separation and narrow divergence between tooth roots 1,3,5,9,18,77 2-rooted teeth easier to keep clean 77 3-rooted teeth more difficult to keep clean as compared with 2-rooted teeth 77 No evidence of tooth resorption…”