A molecular weight of 75000 was computed for human lactoferrin on the basis of a sedimentation coefficient sio,, = 4.93, a partial specific volume Gz0 = 0.715 and a diffusion coefficient Die, = 5.6 x lo-' om2 x sec-l. A molecular weight of 76800 & 1600 was estimated from electrophoreses in agarose acrylamide gel containing sodium dodecylsulphate. No decrease of the molecular weight was observed when the reduced and alkylated or aminoethylated protein was submitted to 6 M urea, indicating that the molecule of lactoferrin consists of a single polypeptide chain. From the analysis of the amino acid composition of human lactoferrin a theoretical molecular weight of 76400 was computed by means of a statistical test. A comparison of the amino acid compositions of human lactoferrin and transferrin suggests that the two proteins are more closely related to one another than was suspected before.Lactoferrin is an iron-binding protein [l-41 occurring in various external secretions [5] as well as in the specific granules of neutrophilic leukocytes [6,7]. It resembles serum transferrin with respect to metal-chelating properties, both proteins being able to bind two atoms of iron. For each Fe3+ taken up,-one molecule of bicarbonate is incorporated [8] and three protons are released [9]. The optical spectra as well as the electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of transferrin and lactoferrin are almost identical [lo].However, the iron-lactoferrin complex is more stable a t low pH than is the iron-transferrin complex [I -41. Lactoferrin Tryptic peptide maps of human lactoferrin [I31 show some 40 spots, which is a much smaller number than would be predicted from the lysine and arginine content. This observation, as well as the presence of two iron-binding sites, suggest the existence of two subunits in lactoferrin. Another argument in favour of this view is the finding by Spik, Monsigny, and Montreuil[l7] of two C-terminal amino acids, as determined by hydrazinolysis. The data described below however do not support this view.All analyses of the amino acid composition of human lactoferrin described in the literature [I 1,121, have been based on single hydrolysis times; furthermore tryptophan content, as reported, is incompatible with the ultraviolet absorbance of this protein [9]. We have analysed the amino acid composition of lactoferrin after 5 hydrolysis times and have determined tryptophan spectrophotometrically.
Isolation of Lacto ferrinThe purification of lactoferrin was based on a procedure proposed by Johansson [IS], modified in view of increasing the yield.One litre of human milk was precipitated, a t room temperature, by 2 M ammonium sulphate a t pH 7.0.The supernatant was dialysed successively against water and I0 mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0. To some preparations, after dialysis a t 4 "C, ferrous ammonium sulphate (40mg) was added to the supernatant in order to saturate the lactoferrin with metal. The material was then mixed, a t 4 "C, with 3 g of dry carboxymethyl (CM)-Sephadex (2-50 (P...