The level-crossing technique with parallel electric and magnetic fields was used to measure the tensor polarizabilities of six levels of the configuration 4f 136s 6p + 4f ~ 25 d 6 s 2 in the TmI-spectrum. Using intermediate coupling wave functions given by Camus and the experimental values of the tensor polarizabilities, the radial integrals for electric dipole transitions from levels of the configuration 4f136s6p+4flZ5d6s2 to levels of the configuration 4f ~35d6s+4f 126S 26p have been determined. The results are
I(4f136s6p, 4f135d6s)=l.98(45) ea o and I(4f125d6s2,4f126s26p)=0.88(25) ea o. A comparison between the experimental and the calculated values of the tensor polarizabilitiesshows an excellent agreement, provided that these radial integrals and the radial integrals for the electric dipole transitions to the ground state configuration 4f ~36s 2 as determined by Wallenstein from lifetime measurements are used in the calculation, instead of radial integrals computed by Camus with Hartree-Fock wave functions.