Ignition delay times for cyclopentane/air and cyclohexane/air mixtures were measured in a shock tube at temperatures of 847-1379 K, pressures of 11-61 atm, and equivalence ratios of φ = 1.0, 0.5, and 0.25. Ignition times were determined using electronically excited OH emission monitored through the shock tube endwall and piezoelectric pressure measurements made in the shock tube sidewall. The dependence of ignition time on pressure, temperature, and equivalence ratio is quantified and correlations for ignition time formulated. Measured ignition times are compared to kinetic modeling predictions from four recently published mechanisms. The data presented provide a database for the validation of cycloalkane kinetic mechanisms at the elevated pressures found in practical combustion engines. C 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Chem Kinet 40: 624-634, 2008