We investigate the thermal conductivity (κ) of the quark matter at finite quark chemical potential (µ) and temperature (T ), employing the Green-Kubo formula, for the SU(2) light-flavor sector with the finite current-quark mass m = 5 MeV. As a theoretical framework, we construct an effective thermodynamic potential from the (µ, T )-modified liquid-instanton model (mLIM). Note that all the relevant model parameters are designated as functions of T , using the trivial-holonomy caloron solution. By solving the self-consistent equation of mLIM, we acquire the constituent-quark mass M0 as a function of T and µ, satisfying the universal-class patterns of the chiral phase transition. From the numerical results for κ, we observe that there emerges a peak at µ ≈ 200 MeV for the low-T region, i.e. T 100 MeV. As T increase over T ≈ 100 MeV, the curve for κ is almost saturated as a function of T in the order of ∼ 10 −1 GeV 2 , and grows with respect to µ smoothly. At the normal nuclear-matter density ρ0 = 0.17 fm −3 , κ shows its maximum 6.22 GeV 2 at T ≈ 10 MeV, then decreases exponentially down to κ ≈ 0.2 GeV 2 . We also compute the ratio of κ and the entropy density, i.e. κ/s as a function of (µ, T ) which is a monotonically decreasing function for a wide range of T , then approaches a lower bound at very high T : κ/smin 0.3 GeV −1 in the vicinity of µ = 0.