Abstract. Using a geometric approach, we determine the relations between the local Euler obstruction Eu f of a holomorphic function f and several generalizations of the Milnor number for functions on singular spaces.
IntroductionIn the case of a nonsingular germ (X, x 0 ) and a function f with an isolated critical point at x 0 , the following three invariants coincide (for (c), up to sign): This fact is essentially due to Milnor's work in the late sixties [Mi]. There exist extensions of all these invariants to the case when (X, x 0 ) is a singular germ, but they do not coincide in general. One of the extensions of (c) is the Euler obstruction of f at x 0 , denoted Eu f (X, x 0 ). This was introduced in [BMPS]; roughly, it is the obstruction to extending the conjugate of the gradient of the function f as a section of the Nash bundle of (X, x 0 ). It measures how far the local Euler obstruction is from satisfying the local Euler condition with respect to f in bivariant theory. It is then natural to compare Eu f (X, x 0 ) to the Milnor number of f in the case of a singular germ (X, x 0 ). This has been also a question raised in [BMPS].The main idea of this paper is that, for singular X, the Euler obstruction Eu f (X, x 0 ) is most closely related to (b). We use the homological version of the bouquet theorem for the Milnor fiber given in [Ti], which relates the contributions in the bouquet to the number of Morse points. Through this relation, one may compare Eu f (X, x 0 ) to the highest Betti number of the Milnor fiber of f . In case X has Milnor's property, the comparison is optimal and yields a general inequality, see §3.1. We further compare Eu f (X, x 0 ) with two different generalizations of the Milnor number for functions with isolated singularity on singular spaces, one due to [Lê3], the other to [Go, MS] for curve singularities and to [IS] for functions on isolated complete intersection germs in general. In case when the 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 32S05, 32S65, 32S50, 14C17.