Seismic waves in earth media usually undergo attenuation, causing energy losses and phase distortions. In the regime of high-frequency asymptotics, a complex-valued eikonal is an essential ingredient for describing wave propagation in attenuating media, where the real and imaginary parts of the eikonal function capture dispersion effects and amplitude attenuation of seismic waves, respectively. Conventionally, such a complex-valued eikonal is mainly computed either by tracing rays exactly in complex space or by tracing rays approximately in real space so that the resulting eikonal is distributed irregularly in real space. However, seismic data processing methods, such as prestack depth migration and tomography, usually require uniformly distributed complex-valued eikonals. Therefore, we propose a unified framework to Eulerianize several popular approximate real-space ray-tracing methods for complex-valued eikonals so that the real and imaginary parts of the eikonal function satisfy the classical real-space eikonal equation and a novel real-space advection equation, respectively, and we dub the resulting method the Eulerian partial-differential-equation method. We further develop highly efficient high-order methods to solve these two equations by using the factorization idea and the Lax-Friedrichs weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) schemes. Numerical examples demonstrate that the proposed method yields highly accurate complex-valued eikonals, analogous to those from ray-tracing methods. The proposed methods can be useful for migration and tomography in attenuating media.